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"A Bend in the road is not the end
...Unless you fail to make the turn"

Helen Keller


What is Infertility?

Infertility is actually termed as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse or within one year of trying. Infertility may occur from an issue with either of the partners, or several combination of elements that are related to pregnancy.

A couple may need to seek help earlier, i.e,,after 6 months of trying if age of women is above 35 years or there is a predisposing cause for infertility

Do I need fertility assessment even if I am not planning pregnancy right now.?

Yes, you can have fertility assessment even if you are not planning to get pregnant right now. The concept is to prevent infertility and hopefully diminish the demand for fertility treatments. It involves fertility counseling, risk assessment followed by transvaginal sonography in women and sperm sample in men. Profertility counseling may help a couple to know their present status regarding fertility and how they can behave in order to achieve their desired family size in the years ahead

What effect does womens age have on infertlity?

After the age of 35, the fertility of women drops. This is mainly due to decrease in number of eggs as well as aging which leads to poorer quality of eggs. The best time to conceive is between 25-30 years of age.

Which couples may need IVF?

  • Couples with both fallopian tubes blocked.
  • Male partner with very low or nil sperm count
  • Women with premature ovarian failure or menopause
  • Failure to conceive other infertlity treatments.
  • Women with endometriosis, genital tuberculosis, pre cancer treatment or unexplained infertility.

Are babies born through IVF normal?

There is ample data 40 years following first IVF baby’s birth that children conceived through IVF have no increase in these rates of birth defects due to the technique itself. Normal rate of birth defects in humans in the general population is about 3% of all births for major malformations and 6% if minor defects are included.

Do I need to leave my job if I get pregnant through IVF?

No, IVF procedure is simple and easy. You will initially undergo few tests following which you need to get injections for 10-12 days starting from D2 of your cycle. The egg retrieval procedure is done under anesthesia and you are discharged the same day. The injections used are subcutaneous and hardly cause pain. The embryo transfer can be done in the same cycle or next cycle and takes 2-5mins . Test for pregnancy is done after 15 days. There is no need for bed rest and you can continue with your normal daily routine

If sperm count is nil is it impossible to be a father?

Male partners suffering from low sperm count may undergo to ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) where a single sperm is injected to matured egg. This is also useful if sperm motility or morphology is poor.

In those with nil sperm count , we may be able to retreive sperms directly from the testes by aspiration or biopsy and use them via ICSI.

Is laparoscopy compulsory for every infertile couple?

It is very important for every infertile couple undergoing any treatment or surgery to know the reasons behind infertility.Many of the problems can be easily diagnosed by even an ultrasound machine thus avoiding unnecessary surgery.hence,before going for any surgical procedure,the reason behind surgery must be clear before hand.with the help of modern technologies and right consultation,it is possible for the infertile couples to have a baby.therefore,it is very essential to select a good infertility certre for undergoing laparoscopy or hysteroscopy or infertility checkup.

what is the right time for test tube baby(IVF)?

Doctors use different scientific technologies to treat infertile couples and most of the couples think that IVF is the last option to have a baby,it is very important for us to understand that the fertility of the females declines as the age advances.It has been observed that many problems may arise in females over 35 years of age,like problems with egg formation, uterine fibroids and problems with lining of uterus.Now it is time to think and change our mentality.If a couple unable to conceive after 2-3 years of marriage with natural planning and simple treatments,then they should go for IVF without wasting much time.

Having baby at older age made possible with egg freezing?

The female who can’t plan to have a baby at early reproduction age due to career or other problem,can have a sigh of relief as egg freezing is the solution to their problem.they can avail the happiness of motherhood at early 40’s by using their frozen eggs. It is a technique in which the eggs harvested from the woman during her fertile age are frozen in a egg bank at -196 degree celsius.At a later age when the couple decides to have a baby,these eggs are fertilized with the husbands sperms and embryos formed which are then transferred into the woman’s uterus. This revolutionary technology much beneficial for women who cannot take out time planning family because of career demand.

Complete bed rest not required after IVF treatment:

Embryo transferred in the uterus of the women,in general does not come out from the uterus easily,whether it is through natural conception or through IVF.So women should not worry about it.Instead women undergoing IVF treatment should try to be fell herself happy and healthy.Most importantly,these patients should avoid taking unnecessary tension related to the procedure.Moreover,these patients can be discharged from the IVF clinic same day after embryo tranfer without any problem.According to various IVF specialists,these patients can resume their routine work two to three days after embryo tranfer.

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+91 6291303614

Genome - The Fertility Centre 67, Shakespeare Sarani Rd,
Mullick Bazar, Park Street area, Kolkata, West Bengal 700017

Bhagirathi Neotia Woman and Child Care Centre, New Town
DG Block(Newtown), Action Area I, Newtown, New Town, West Bengal 700156

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