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"A Bend in the road is not the end
...Unless you fail to make the turn"

Helen Keller


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What is infertility?

When those efforts for conceiving months after months fails, it’s rough, especially if no one realizes what you are really going through. Except they are on the similar boat, how could even they?Managing infertility is definitely a roller coaster challenge both emotionally and physically for any couple. Understanding what describes normal fertility is very crucial in helping any couple, know when actually required to seek for help. Infertility is actually termed as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse or within one year of trying. Infertility may occur from an issue with either of the partners, or several combination of elements that are related to pregnancy. However, there are various circumstances when a couple is advised to seek help from a specialist- irregular menstruation cycles, history of pelvic infection, history of toxin exposure, semen abnormalities, uterine fibroids and many more.

Why is it important to get early fertility checkup?

Fertility checkup is basically an assessment for most of the couples who are looking to conceive. For couples it is not only important to opt for fertility test before they plan for a baby but also it the tests depends on certain conditions like when a woman reach to an age of 35, lifestyle changes, irregular menstrual cycles, reproductive tract infections, endometriosis and many more. Fertility test will able to determine the cause of infertility in the couple.

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+91 6291303614

Genome - The Fertility Centre 67, Shakespeare Sarani Rd,
Mullick Bazar, Park Street area, Kolkata, West Bengal 700017

Bhagirathi Neotia Woman and Child Care Centre, New Town
DG Block(Newtown), Action Area I, Newtown, New Town, West Bengal 700156

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