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"A Bend in the road is not the end
...Unless you fail to make the turn"

Helen Keller

Miscarriage after IVF? “ Not the end of the road”


Mar 2019

Miscarriage after IVF? “ Not the end of the road”

Posted By drprajnanikaivf Posted on March 12, 2019

“To have had something and then lost it is worse than not being able to have it at all “said Mrs. A, her tears blurring up her vision as she looked at the ultrasound report. Ten years of married life, 5 years of treatment, 3 IVF cycles and 2 successful pregnancy positive cycles ending in miscarriages sums up her story.

Three months later she came again. “This is my last chance. Can you give me hope”, she asked desperately. After careful case history review she was counseled regarding preimplantation genetic screening PGS.

She underwent PGS in her next IVF cycle followed by embro transfer. Her BhCG was positive 15days later but her joy was subdued. While waiting for her ultrasound she used to sit apprehensively asif she was expecting her dreams to be shattered any moment. Nine months down the later she was able to cradle her most precious dream in her arms.

Miscarriage and Infertility

IVF does not contribute to miscarriages. However, the underlying reasons that cause a woman to seek fertility treatment may make staying pregnant more difficult for some IVF patients.At aged 30, one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage. At aged 42, it’s one in two.The two most common causes for early pregnancy loss are an implantation dysfunction (where the uterus is not receptive to the embryo) or a genetic abnormality of the embryo itself.

Chromosomal irregularities (aneuploidy) of the embryo may be the cause of up to 80% of early miscarriages. Most of these chromosomal abnormalities originate with the egg, rather than the sperm, and they become more common as a woman’s eggs age. This is likely a contributing factor in the higher rates of pregnancy loss seen in women over 35 years.

What is PGS?
PGS, or preimplantation genetic screening, is a genetic test performed on embryos produced through IVF. PGS gives information about embryos’ genetic health to help your care team select the best embryo for transfer and improve your chance of achieving a successful pregnancy.

How PGS Works

PGS works by looking at the amount of genetic material within IVF embryos. This genetic material is housed within structures called chromosomes.

Embryos with the incorrect number of chromosomes (also called aneuploid embryos) typically do not result in a successful pregnancy or may lead to the birth of a child with a genetic condition.

Embryos with the correct number of chromosomes (also called euploid embryos) have a better chance of leading to a successful pregnancy.

PGS identifies embryos with the correct number of chromosomes, so your care team can select the embryo with the best chance of leading to IVF success.


  • Older patients
  • Multiple unexplained pregnancy losses
  • Multiple failed IVF.
  • Genetic Disease in the couple.

All women are at risk of producing chromosomally abnormal embryos. One of the benefits of opting for IVF is that patients may be tested for potential genetic problems before attempting a cycle.

Benefits of PGS

  • Higher chance of pregnancy
  • Reduced risk of miscarriage
  • Elective single embryo transfer
  • Reduced number of IVF cycles needed to achieve pregnancy, potentially reducing the time to pregnancy and the costs of extra cycles

The PGS Process

  • IVF cycle:Embryos are produced through an IVF cycle.
  • Embryo Biopsy: A few cells are carefully removed from the part of the embryo that will form the placenta. Samples are sent to the laboratory while your embryos remain safe at your IVF center.
  • PGS: Genetic testing is done at the lab: Transfer & Improved Chance of Success: Embryos most likely to result in success are selected for transfer or can be frozen for future use.

“A Bend in the road is not the end….
……….Unless you fail to make the turn” (Helen Keller)





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